“Why x Action” – The Importance of Understanding the Purpose of Work
Hello, I’m Ichiki of Sync Logistics.
In this issue, I’d like to share the importance of understanding and conveying the purpose of work.
■ Before acting, think of the purpose
Every spring, I create a slogan which will be our employees’ action guideline for the year.
This year’s slogan is “Why x Action.”
I coined this slogan, which I have repeatedly conveyed to our employees, with the goal of making this year a year of thinking about our daily work’s purpose, significance, and intention while we work.
What is the purpose of the work before us? Who is it for? What’s our target? Understanding (or not understanding) this will greatly affect the quality of our output.
For example, when preparing documents, it is important to scrutinize what a document should contain based on its purpose. In the case of a trade invoice, the pro forma invoice given as part of the quotation must include information necessary for the transaction such as the product’s specs, transaction conditions, and price. Meanwhile, the customs invoice for the customs declaration requires an accurate description of the importer’s information and the shipping schedule. Incomplete information may lead to shipping and customs delays, therefore, a document must be properly prepared based on its intended use.
Even when making a curry, the way it’s made, the ingredients used, and the seasoning varies if it’s for the usual curry at home, for an anniversary, for kids, or for selling. Similarly, if we clearly understand the purpose of our work, we will also understand what we need and what we should do, which will improve the accuracy of our work naturally.
This isn’t only true in shipping, but I believe it’s important to grasp the purpose and significance of each and every task before doing it to make it more beneficial.
■ The party making the request should convey the purpose and background
On the other hand, it is also important for the party making the request to convey the job’s purpose and background. For example, if the job request is urgent, only being told “just do it quickly” versus receiving an explanation of the job’s reasons and circumstances will greatly affect how we work. If we understand the circumstances, it will be easier for us to make decisions and adjustments regarding which tasks need to be done at what speed and which ones to prioritize, allowing us to tackle the job in an urgent manner.
It may take a little more communicating, but if the purpose and background are properly conveyed before the request is made, our output will be more accurate, and we will get better results.
The party making the request should convey the job’s purpose.
The party receiving the request should grasp the other party’s intention and then do the job.
While these are basic things, isn’t it important for everyone engaged in shipping to be conscious of such things?
While we continue to work on initiatives and raise awareness about these things, I feel it is very difficult to spread such awareness and cause changes in behavior. That said, under the slogan “Why x Action,” everyone in our company will still continue to work hard in providing even more valuable services.
Thank you for your time.