Sync Logistics is a forward-thinking forwarder that fits the times. They support shippers with flexible mobility.
RamaDBK Ltd. is an automobile export company founded in Japan in 1988 by Mr. Jagath Ramanayake, a Sri Lankan national.
It consigns container vanning of automobiles bound for Mauritius, and the customs clearance and shipping of passenger cars and commercial vehicles to Sync Logistics. From a shipper’s viewpoint, it appreciates Sync Logistics’ flexible and speedy work.
We interviewed Mr. Ramanayake, the company’s current president, about the details of their consignments, the background of their partnership, and the appeal of Sync Logistics.
A Local Inspection Tour Organized by Sync Logistics was the Catalyst for Doing Business Together
RamaDBK sells and exports passenger cars and commercial vehicles from Japan to private buyers and dealers worldwide online. We provide one-stop-shop services from vehicle sales to shipping, and we also offer export arrangements on behalf of customers.
We export 5,000 to 6,000 new and used vehicles per year, and we have exported more than 100,000 vehicles to about 80 countries thus far.
RamaDBK website:https://www.ramadbk.com/
Background of partnership with Sync Logistics
We started doing business with Sync Logistics about 2 to 3 three years ago, but I have known its president, Mr. Ichiki, for quite a while. The turning point was when he asked me for advice when he founded Sync Logistics and expanded into the Kanto area.
From there, we began to support their business, helping them join the Japan Used Motor Vehicles Exporters Association (JUMVEA) and the Sri Lanka Automobile Association in Japan (SLAAJ), and interact with both associations’ members.
We started doing business with them in earnest when they invited SLAAJ members (shippers) to an inspection tour in Mongolia. They arranged meetings with local buyers, social gatherings, and onsite visits, providing opportunities for our members to increase their business connections.
Local inspection tours such as that one are often organized by unions, and as far as I know, Sync Logistics was the first forwarder who has organized such a tour.
In the tour, I caught a glimpse of their sincere desire to grow their business and shippers’ business, which left me with a positive impression of Sync Logistics. Up until then, our relationship was more of a friendship, but we wanted to work with them as business partners, so we decided to consign our shipping operations to them.
Consigning operations of all container transport bound for Mauritius to highly reliable Sync Logistics
Consignment details
We mainly consign the customs clearance, pre-export inspections, container vanning of vehicles exported from the port of Yokohama. We consign about 100 to 200 vehicles per month, and depending on the destination, they are transported either by RORO or by container. The main destination through container transport is Mauritius, while RORO transport is used for vehicles bound for Southeast Asia, Africa, and countries in the Caribbean.
We used to consign to several forwarders for Mauritius, but we gradually shifted to Sync Logistics because our sales manager commended them for handling matters quickly, for having solid relationships with local agents and having the smoothest transport operations.
When vehicle or transport issues arise after arrival, there are times when it’s hard for the shipper to assess the situation, but because Sync Logistics has local agents, their agent immediately checks and addresses the situation, and contacts us so that the issue can be resolved soonest.
Also, because they issue a house B/L (bill of landing issued by the forwarder for the shipper), there is no risk that the consignee is unable to pick up the freight onsite. This is a huge advantage for shippers.
Documents and Progress are Centrally Managed by a System
Collaboration in operations
This is the consignment process: for customers who purchased vehicles on our e-commerce site and whose advance payments are already confirmed, one of our staff prepares a S/I (shipping instruction), which we then send to Sync Logistics.
All export documents such as S/I are registered and shared using their “La-Plus” system, and progress is managed using the same system. Our staff members can log into La-Plus, which allows them to check necessary information and progress anytime.
Basically, after the vehicles enter the yard, all operations are consigned to Sync Logistics, while staff from our shipping department checks their progress on La-Plus.
Supporting Shippers through Fast and Flexible Handling
Sync Logistics’ appeal number 1: fast handling
They respond to questions quickly, and their staff take action immediately. Previously, when a sales rep receives a question from a customer, the rep has to check with each partner company through the shipping department, so it took a long time for even a simple question to be answered.
With Sync Logistics, we can communicate with them directly, and they respond even after business hours so we can get answers immediately. It is also reassuring that they have staff members who speak English and Sri Lankan.
There is a lot of competition in the automobile export industry, and it is important to be even a second faster that the competition in order to win customers. Slow response times may result in lost business opportunities, so it is a huge advantage for us when Sync Logistics moves quickly.
Sync Logistics’ appeal number 2: flexible support
These days, it is difficult to secure space in both RORO and container vessels, and freight rates are increasing. It is especially difficult to secure space for commercial vehicles, which is difficult for us because we export refrigerated vehicles to Sri Lanka.
One time, a company with connections to Sync Logistics decided to send out a new RORO vessel, and it offered us space on the ship through Sync Logistics. Without ship space, our transport operations would’ve been delayed, but because Sync Logistics took on the role of space-charter, we were able to transport under difficult circumstances.
There’s also another anecdote I can share.
We once had a customer who exported a container to Mauritius through another agency, but we couldn’t collect that customer’s payment. The container stayed at the port for a long time.
We couldn’t get the cars out, so we consulted Sync Logistics. They solved the problem by issuing a house bill of landing using their local partner agency. They saved us because if the container remained at the port, storage costs would’ve ballooned, and there was a possibility that the cars would not have been picked up by anyone.
When we shippers have a problem, Sync Logistics proposes solutions. We can feel their desire to do their job properly and to respond to requests, so it is easy for us to consult them on various matters. Sometimes they even inform us that they have space on a ship and ask us if we have freight to export. We have a collaborative relationship wherein we frequently exchange information and help each other’s business.
Sync Logistics’ appeal number 3: a business style that fits the times
Their business style fits the times, which demands new ways of thinking.
The port industry has a long history, and freight companies has had the upper hand. It was like they were doing us a favor, saying “if you bring the cargo, yeah, we’ll load it.” There was a feeling that if you didn’t do what they say, they wouldn’t accommodate you, but Sync Logistics’ stance is to see things from the shipper’s point of view, and to work together to grow each other’s business.
Also, La-Plus, the system they developed, is helping us increase our operational efficiency. It allows us to share data and track shipments without taking up a lot of manpower.
Utilizing Each Other’s Know-how, and Taking on the Challenge of Doing New Kinds of Business Together
Prospects for future business
I think Sync Logistics’ level of service will continue to improve, and we will increase the number of consignments to them.
Also, we want to work with them if there are opportunities for other kinds of business aside from automobile exports. Mr. Ichiki and I are already discussing the possibility of creating a new business together by utilizing each other’s know-how, and I would like to expand our relationship beyond its current standing.
Company Profile
Company Name: RamaDBK Ltd.